Understanding Glass Parallelism
Leave a CommentParallelism as a parameter plays a crucial role in glass fabrication. As it pertains to glass, the back and front planes of a glass part would achieve parallelism if the space between the planes remained the same so that they run alongside each other but never touch. However, parallelism in actuality is not perfectly possible […]

What is Ultrasonic Machining?
Leave a CommentUltrasonic machining, also called ultrasonic drilling, is a subtractive fabrication process that uses high-frequency vibrations and abrasive particles to remove small amounts of material from a workpiece’s surface. It is ideal for glass fabrication operations, as it removes surface material very slowly without compromising the substrate’s crystalline structure. This allows fabricators to create highly accurate […]

Why Use Glass Carrier Wafers?
Leave a CommentSwift Glass is a global leader in glass part fabrication with nearly 100 years of experience. We use an extensive selection of fabrication techniques to provide expertly crafted custom glass products. In addition to services such as chemical glass strengthening, thermal glass tempering, and drilling, we also fabricate glass carrier wafers for various technical applications. […]

CNC Machining vs. Ultrasonic Machining
Leave a CommentOver the past century, Swift Glass has established a reputation as a leading fabricator of precision glass products. As a pioneer in the glass industry, we have remained relevant and competitive by keeping abreast of the latest in glass machining technology. Our cutting-edge capabilities include precision glass computer numerical control (CNC) machining services and ultrasonic […]

What is Glass Wafer Fabrication?
Leave a CommentGlass wafers are thin, circular precision glass pieces, typically made from quartz, borosilicate glass, or fused silica. They are a necessary component for a variety of common electronics, such as electronic screen and display assemblies, and see use throughout a variety of industrial applications as well. Swift Glass has nearly 100 years of experience delivering […]

6 Key Behaviors of Light on Glass
Leave a CommentLight has different properties that affect how we visualize objects. When waves encounter various barriers and mediums, like water, steel, or glass, they behave in different ways. Here, the team at Swift Glass shares the unique behaviors of light on glass. Properties of Light Light is a form of energy and part of a wider […]

Microblasting vs. Sandblasting
Leave a CommentAt Swift Glass, we specialize in the fabrication of quality glass components. We offer a range of fabrication capabilities to ensure the parts and products we deliver fully meet our customers’ specifications and standards. For example, our machining and surface finishing services allow us to carefully alter the shape and/or surface of very small to […]

The Benefits of 3D Printing on a Glass Surface
1 CommentFrom aluminum and glass to acrylic and thermoplastic polyurethane, there are many options on the market for printer bed materials. However, it’s essential to choose carefully, as the quality of any 3D printed object starts with its first layer of substrate. For that reason and many more, glass has emerged as a top choice for […]

The Best Glass for UV Light Applications
Leave a CommentPeople often talk generically about ultraviolet (UV) light, but these rays are divided into three distinct types: UVA, UVB, and UVC. While we’re most familiar with UVA and UVB rays, which cause sunburns and may contribute to skin cancer, UVC rays—the most dangerous and damaging of all—are blocked by the atmosphere. This is a good […]